Strange thing has happened a few days ago, possibly since I installed XP SP2. I can download a wb skin to my desktop as usual, but when I double-click on it, the way I used to, it doesn't install. Instead, it just opens the file. I've tried opening it into a new file in the wb program, with no success. Everything is up to date, so this has me stumped. I don't pretend to understand how to write skins. I just love to use them. I'm a level 4 subscriber with more time one my hands than brains in my head, or so it would seem. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
on Sep 14, 2004
What happens if you open WB configuration and try "install the skin from disc"?

It appears to be an sp2 thing. The files are downloading as .zip files instead of .wba files and thats why they are not auto installing.
[Message Edited]
on Sep 14, 2004
You are just great! Did the trick. Not quite as convenient as before, but as long as it works, right? Thanks, pal!