Is it just me, or does it seems to be open season on Christians these days? We have no Jiihad in our bible. If you are or not a Christian, I would hope that you would be able to plainly see the injustices being brought against those of Christian faith. Christian high school students not being allowed to form Christian clubs in their own school, yet Muslims and anyone even closely connected to the homosexual community have free reign.
Am I missing something here? Weren't our countries born of Christian forfathers?
Do we, as Christians, strap explocives to our bodies to cause as much pain and suffering, all in the name of a god that requires this kind of action?
Of course not, because we believe that God loves us all,equally and passionately. And yet we are ridiculed. Yet we are called bigots for standing for what we believe in.
What happened recently in the news when a newspaper published cartoon characterizations of the prophet muhomad? Calling it a peacefull protest is a gross understatement.
What happened with a recent episode of South Park when they depicted Jesus in a rather unfortunate predicamate? Were we calling for the heads of the head writers, or we quitely sitting down, letting those who could not restrain themselves voice their displeasure. There are much bigger pictures to concern us more, much more than a simple episode of a show that ridicules anything that they can think of that, they think, possibly put Jesus in a bad light.
The bigger picture is simple. Either there is a God that created us and loved us enough to send his Son to die on a cross for our sins, or we are all fools to believe that there is anything after death but a box with six feet of earth on top.
Me? God is real. I'm staking my life on Him!!